miércoles, 11 de julio de 2012

Bibliografía (Artículo doctrinal) - Reglamento Bruselas I y procesos con identidad de causa

Successive Proceedings over the Same Cause of Action: A Plea for a New Rule on Dismissals for Lack of Jurisdiction
PIETRO FRANZINA, Professor of International Law, University of Ferrara
in: F.Pocar, I.Viarengo, F.C. Villata, Recasting Brussels I, CEDAM, Padova, 2012, p. 253 - 271
TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Introductory Remarks: The Present State of Affairs. – 2. The Present Author’s Claim whereby the Introduction of a Rule on the Succession of Claims in Respect of the Same of Cause of Action Would Be a Useful Addition to the Revised Brussels I Regulation. – 3. The Problem with the Succession of Claims: An Overview. – 4. The Reasons Why the Succession of Claims Should Be a Concern for the Drafters of the Revised Regulation. a) The Efficiency of Cross-Border Litigation Should be Enhanced, so as to Promote a High Degree of Protection of the Rights of Individuals. b) The Institutional Dialogue between the Authorities of Different Member States Should Be Favoured, thus Reinforcing the Degree of Integration of the European Judicial Area. – 5. The Proposed New Rule: Its Essential Features … a) The Substantive Side of the Proposed Rule: The Plaintiff Should Be Entitled to Enjoy, Before the Court Newly Seised of the Matter, the Benefits of the Initial Claim subject to Uniform Conditions. b) The Procedural and Institutional Side of the Rule: Preservation of the Substantive Benefits of the Initial Claim Shall Occur subject to New Proceedings Being Instituted soon after the Dismissal of the Claim. – 6. … And Its Possible Wording.

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